The Signal Processing Symposium is a biannual international conference that brings students, researchers, and scientists representing a broad spectrum of computer science and radioelectronics disciplines to present their latest findings and to discuss new trends shaping future research directions in science and technology. After 20 years since its first edition in 2003, SPSympo has become a well-established and excellent forum for active participation in workshops, lectures, and scientific discussions in technical and evening sessions.
SPSympo-2023 will be held alongside the LXIX Open Seminar on Acoustics (OSA). We strongly believe that this cooperation will create new grounds for broadening our scientific horizons, developing new relationships, and altogether offering the prospect of novel synergies in our future research.
Both conferences will touch on similar issues, i.e., signal/sound/image acquisition, processing, transmission, and analysis, in a broad range of applications covering remote sensing systems, IoT, telemedicine, medical diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, robotics, human-system interaction, environment monitoring, space technologies, and various fields related to acoustics. In brief, the allied SPSympo and OSA create a unique opportunity to look at the field of signal processing from two different perspectives.
On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, we cordially invite you to the Signal Processing Symposium 2023!
Prof. Ryszard Makowski and Prof. Piotr Samczyński
SPSympo-2023 Chairs
Honorary Patronage of the Polish Space Agency

SPSympo-2023 Co-Organiser