Exploring Scaling Analysis: A Pathway to Understand Complexity in Natural Phenomena
Dr. Ivan Seleznov- Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University | Japan

Dr. Ivan Seleznov is a Post-doc researcher at the Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering at Osaka University in Japan, where he conducts cutting-edge research in the field of biomedical signals. In addition to his academic work, Ivan is also the Chief Technology Officer of Flora, a startup focused on using data analysis to enhance female well-being and improve working conditions for women.
Noise Radar Technology and Quantum Radar: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Prof. Gaspare Galati – Tor Vergata University, Italy

Gaspare Galati received the Dr. Ing. Degree (Laurea) in Nuclear Engineering in 1970. From 1970 until 1986, he was with the company Selenia S.p.A. where he was involved in radar systems analysis and design and, from 1984 to 1986, headed the System Analysis Group.
UWB Surveillance Radar
Dr. Mark E. Davis – Senior Independent Consultant, USA

Mark E. Davis has over 50 years’ experience in Radar technology and systems development. He has held senior management positions in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Air Force Research Laboratory, and General Electric Aerospace.
Novel potentials enabled by satellite-based passive radars
Dr. Diego Cristallini – Fraunhofer FHR, Wachtberg, Germany

Diego Cristallini is Head of the Passive Radar Group at Fraunhofer FHR. He graduated cum laude in Telecommunication Engineering in May 2006 and received the Ph.D. degree in Radar Remote Sensing in April 2010 both from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.