Noise Radar Technology and Quantum Radar: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Prof. Gaspare Galati – Tor Vergata University, Italy

Gaspare GALATI received the Dr. Ing. Degree (Laurea) in Nuclear Engineering in 1970. From 1970 until 1986, he was with the company Selenia S.p.A. where he was involved in radar systems analysis and design and, from 1984 to 1986, headed the System Analysis Group. From March 1986, he was associate professor at the Tor Vergata University of Rome; from November 1996 to 2017, he is full professor of Radar Theory and Techniques at the Tor Vergata University. In 2017 he has been designated Honorary Professor by the Ministry of Education. His main interests are in Radar theory and techniques, Detection and estimation, Noise Radar, Navigation and Air Traffic Management. He is author/co-author of about 300 papers, 20 patents and 10 books on those topics.
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Tutorial description
In spite of the centennial age of radar, this technology is facing continuous progress. This tutorial considers two significant, or promised, advancements in the radar field, namely Noise Radar Technology (NRT) and Quantum Radar (QR). Rationale, present status, ongoing research and future perspectives are discussed, not forgetting some critical and controversial elements.